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I have ten fingers


I have ten fingers (Hold up both hands, fingers spread wide)
And they all belong to me (Point to self)
I can make them do things – would you like to see?
I can shut them up tightly (Make fists)
I can make them open wide (Open hands)
I can put them together (Place palms together)
I can make them all hide (Put hands behind back)
I can make them jump high (Raise hands over head)
I can make them jump low (Bend down and touch the floor)
I can fold them up quietly (Fold hands in lap)
And hold them just so.


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Smooth road, bumpy road

(Sit child on lap facing you)
We’re going down a smooth road, a smooth road, a smooth road (Stroke child’s arms smoothly)
We’re going down a bumpy road, a bumpy road, a bumpy road (Bounce child)
We’re going down a winding road, a winding road, a winding road (Move child from far left to far right)
We’re going over a hole in the road! (Lower child upside down)


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Criss-cross apple sauce

A mother and daughter, both in denim and black, smile.
(Sit child on lap facing away from you)
Criss-cross (Make cross motions across child’s back)
Apple sauce (Run fingers down head and back)
Spiders running up your back (Crawl fingers up child’s back)
Cool breeze (Blow on child’s neck)
Tight squeeze (Lightly squeeze around tummy)
Now you’ve got the shivers! (Tickle child up ribs)


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This little piggy went to market

This little piggy went to market Wiggle your thumb
This little piggy stayed home Wiggle your index finger
This little piggy ate roast beef Wiggle your middle finger and pretend it’s eating
This little piggy ate none Wiggle your ring finger and make a sad face
 And this little piggy went wee wee wee all the way home Wiggle your little finger and walk your fingers up from the hand to the child’s shoulder and tickle them under their neck.


There is also a French version of this rhyme “Cinq Petits Cochons”.

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Two little dickie birds

Two sweet little birds. Maybe made of clay or plasticine.
Two little dickie birds
Sitting on a wall (Hands together, thumbs up)
One named Peter (Wiggle one thumb)
One named Paul (Wiggle other thumb)
Fly away Peter (Fly one thumb behind back)
Fly away Paul (Fly other thumb behind back)
Come back Peter (Bring back one thumb)
Come back Paul (Bring back other thumb)
Two little dickie birds
Sitting on a cloud (Hands together, thumbs up)
One named Quiet (Whisper tune – Wiggle one thumb)
One named Loud (Loudly say tune – Wiggle other thumb)
Fly away Quiet (Whisper tune – Fly one thumb behind back)
Fly away Loud (Loudly say tune – Fly other thumb behind back)
Come back Quiet (Whisper tune – Bring back one thumb)
Come back Loud (Loudly say tune – Bring back other thumb)


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Round and round the garden


Round and round the garden (Hold child’s hand with palm facing up and tickle with your fingers in a circular motion)
Like a teddy bear
One step, two steps, (Walk fingers up arm)
And tickly under there (Tickle underarm)
Round and round the haystack (Move fingers in walking motion around child’s tummy)
Went the little mouse
One step, two steps, (Walk fingers up body towards neck)
Into his little house
(Tickle under neck)
Round and round the lighthouse (Move fingers in walking motion around child’s feet)
Up the spiral stair
One step, two steps, (Walk fingers up legs towards tummy)
And right up in the air! (Tickle child’s tummy)
Round the world! (Gentle spin child)
Round the world!
To catch a big bear (Hold child around waist)
Where are we going to catch him?
Right in there! (Lift child into the air)


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Miscarriage: Sue’s journey

Close up of doctor as distraught couple hold one another in background.

Nothing can prepare you for the devastation of being told that your pregnancy hasn’t made it, it’s just not something that is ever anticipated.

Many women don’t know who to turn to for help or are too ashamed to ask. Often friends and family don’t know what to say or how to act and become distant as a result.

Sue hopes that by talking about her experience with miscarriage she will be able to dissolve some of the myths and taboo surrounding the subject and help other families that are forced to go through the same terrible times.

Happiness and heart break

When Sue first found out she was pregnant with her second child she was completely overjoyed.

“We fell pregnant soon after we decided to start trying again and were so happy the way it worked out.”

Unbeknown to Sue and her husband, the elation they felt for their new baby was about to be cruelly taken away from them as they attended a routine ten week scan.

“We went for an ultrasound, it was the dating scan. I was getting excited trying to work out the dates and the thought of a miscarriage hadn’t even occurred to me.

“They started the scan and couldn’t pick up a heartbeat, they asked if I might have misjudged the dates but of course I knew exactly when it was that we conceived so I knew the baby had to be ten weeks old.

“When they still couldn’t find a heartbeat they sent me to empty my bladder so I could have an internal ultrasound which is more accurate.”

By this stage Sue was already starting to worry because she knew there should be a definite heartbeat by now.

“They came back and said sorry, this pregnancy hasn’t made it,” she said.

“I was absolutely devastated, my husband and I just sat there in shock.

“We had our son with us and he was running around trashing the place, we were in so much shock that we didn’t even notice. One of the staff asked us to pick him up.”

Sue was told by the staff that the baby was the size equivalent to 8 weeks.

“I knew it should be ten weeks so the heart had stopped beating two weeks earlier, all the while I was feeling like I was enjoying this early pregnancy.” she said.

The sad reality

Sue and her husband had a lot of questions running around in their heads at this time. How and why did this happen to them?

“It’s so easy to blame yourself and make yourself crazy trying to work out what you did wrong but it is important to remember that it’s not your fault,” she said.

“That’s easy to say now but I know it is hard to take in at the time.”

Before Sue left the clinic they told her that she needed to make an appointment with her GP and they would help her to organise the necessary course of action.

“The GP gave me a couple of options, either wait naturally and see what happens or you can have a D&C,” she said.

“I had the ultrasound on Friday and started bleeding the following Monday as my body tried to naturally expel it.

“I was going to try and do it naturally and wait it out but after only light bleeding for five days I was getting worried.  I called my GP and she told me I could continue to wait or book in for a D&C.

Sue thought she would talk it over with some close friends before she made her decision.

“It wasn’t until I spoke to some girlfriends about my situation that I found out a couple of them had been through the same thing,” she said.

“It seems like it’s a bit of a ‘hush hush’ topic that people don’t really want to talk about.

“But my friends were great; they really helped me through my decision.”

There were many factors that helped Sue decide to have a D&C.

“I don’t think I could cope with waiting any longer and it’s much safer than waiting,” she said.

“I booked in an appointment for the following Monday and went in to day surgery to have the procedure done.

“Before I went in for the D&C I asked them to do another ultrasound just so I was completely sure I was doing the right thing.

Sue said she thinks she may have been suffering with some denial about the whole situation.

“I was told there was still no heartbeat and the baby was actually shrinking in size.

“So it was definitely no longer alive.” She said.

“I then went through with the D&C.”

The benefit of good support

The whole experience was taking its toll not just on Sue but the people around her.

“It was an emotional rollercoaster, not only for me but for my husband and mum and I think we all reacted and coped in different ways,” said Sue.

“My husband got really angry and was on edge all the time for a couple of weeks.

“I just cried all the time.” she said.

During this time Sue felt it was vital that she was surrounded by good support.

“I had really good family and friends that were supporting me,” said Sue.

“I didn’t tell everyone – only the people who are very close to me and who I knew would be very supportive.

“One of my girlfriends is a nurse and she brought over an information pack as soon as she heard and just left it at my door,” said Sue.

“It might sound silly but that information pack meant the world to me, I read everything in it while bawling my eyes out and that was really good for me.”

While Sue was very lucky that she was surrounded by friends and family that loved and supported her through those very difficult times she was also very smart in the way she managed her support.

Sue always made sure it worked for her and she has some advice for anyone who may face a similar situation.

“While you’re rawest only tell people you know will come next to you and offer good support,” she said.

“A close family friend of mine felt really judged after her miscarriage and still has issues with it 30 years later.”

“Whenever she talks about it she still cries because she felt very judged, even by her own mother,” said Sue.

“So I think it’s very important that you find people you know are going to be on your side and just let you cry or laugh or whatever it is that you need to do.”

Sue also shared what she learnt about coping with the grief of losing a baby.

“I felt so much emotion even though I was only pregnant for 10 weeks.

“I can’t imagine what it would be like for people who lose the baby further along down the track,” she said.

“I think it is important to name the baby or in some way acknowledge it was around.”

“Any sort of ceremony that helps you to grieve for the baby will benefit you long term,” she said.

“I was given an information pack from the hospital that contained a little heart soft-toy and for me that was a huge thing.”

“I keep that around with me still as a reminder of the life that wasn’t meant to be.” Sue said.

Sue says it’s important not to be rushed, by your partner or anyone else, into falling pregnant again.

“Allow your self sufficient time to grieve, you have to take your time and try again when you are properly ready.

Before too long, Sue decided she was ready to try again for another baby.

“We soon fell pregnant again and this time it went to full-term. Our beautiful daughter is now seven and a half months old and we couldn’t be happier to have her in our lives.”

7 weeks pregnant

Happy couple

Week 7 of pregnancy the fifth week of your baby’s development and the second week of the period in which all your baby’s organs start developing. This period is called the embryogenesis stage of pregnancy; it begins in week 6 of pregnancy and continues until the end of week 10. You should be ‘feeling pregnant’ by now and, if you’re experiencing morning sickness, you’re not alone- most women experience this unpleasant (but normal) symptom of pregnancy in the first trimester.

Baby is developing rapidly as its internal organs continue to grow and take shape (including the brain, heart, lungs and digestive organs). Your baby also begins to look more and more like a little human, as the buds which will form arms and legs lengthen and facial features become more prominent. You’ve probably already consulted your doctor or pregnancy healthcare provider, but if you haven’t, now is a good time for an appointment, to check your pregnancy is developing normally and discuss any concerns you may have.

56460615 Woman laughingAt 7 weeks pregnant you’re almost certainly experiencing early pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, fatigue and tender breasts. You may also be feeling a little emotional as your pregnancy hormones kick in and have you crying at the drop of a hat.

Find out more about the changes in week seven of pregnancy.


147008539 Happy coupleEmbryo development begins when you are 6 weeks pregnant and continues rapidly this week. Your baby begins to look more like a human as its head, arms and legs grow. The seventh week of pregnancy is also a time when the internal organs develop rapidly. This week baby’s brain enlarges, kidneys and lungs start to form and organs of the gastrointestinal and urogenital systems begin to develop.

Find out more about how your baby changes in the seventh week of pregnancy.

114274104 Woman at doctor'sIf pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, body changes or emotions are bothering you this week, rest assured that they’re probably normal, but talk to your doctor if you need reassurance. However, if you experience early pregnancy spotting (spot bleeding), you may be at risk of miscarriage and should see your doctor.

Find out more about staying healthy in pregnancy week 7.

154021786 Couple using tabletWeek 7 of pregnancy is a time of rapid embryo development when it’s common for women to experience pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness and breast discomfort. It’s important to visit your doctor for a pregnancy check-up if you have not already done so.

Find out about other key changes which occur in the seventh week of pregnancy.


  1. Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG. The Developing Human: Clinically oriented embryology (9th edition). Philadelphia: Saunders-Elselvier; 2011. (Book)
  2. Mayo Clinic. Guide to a healthy Pregnancy. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. 2011. Pp 17-32, 83-94. (Book)
  3. Women’s and Children’s Health Service- Government of South Australia. Pregnancy- Emotional health- your worries and feelings. 2011. [cited 3 November 2012]. Available from: URL Link
  4. Beyond Blue. Emotional Health During Pregnancy and Early Parenthood. 2010. [cited 3 November 2012]. Available from: URL Link
  5. Beyond Blue. Clinical Practice Guidelines- Depression and related disorders- anxiety, bipolar disorder and puerperal psychosis- in the perinatal period. A guideline for primary care professionals. 2011. (cited 20 December 2012). Available from: URL Link
  6. Beyond Baby Blues. The beyond baby blues guide to emotional health and wellbeing in pregnancy and early parent hood. 2012. (cited 21 December 2012). Available from: URL Link
  7. US Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health. Pregnancy- Body Changes and Discomforts. 2010. (cited 6 January 2013). Available from: URL Link
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