Zoom zoom zoom

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Zoom zoom zoom (Hold arms outstretched and tilt from left to right)
We’re going to the moon (Point up to the sky)
Zoom zoom zoom (Hold arms outstretched and tilt from left to right)
We’re going very soon
If you’d like to take a trip
Climb aboard my rocket ship (Move arms and legs up and down in climbing motion)
Zoom zoom zoom (Hold arms outstretched and tilt from left to right)
We’re going to the moon (Point up to the sky)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Blast off! (Crouch down gradually, and on ‘blast off!’ jump up with hands in the air. Alternatively, crouch down and hold child around waist, and on ‘blast off!’ lift them up into the air)


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Date Created: October 23, 2011 Date Modified: August 25, 2018