Five in the bed

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Parents and child in bed
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There were five in the bed (Hold up 5 fingers)
And the little one said,
“Roll over! Roll over!” (Spin around in a circle)
So they all rolled over and one fell out… (Drop to the ground)
Who bumped his head and gave a shout! (Hold your head with both your hands)
“Please remember to tie a knot in your pyjamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three, four.” (Hold up 1, 2, 3, 4 fingers)
There were four in the bed (Hold up 4 fingers)
And the little one said,
“Roll over! Roll over!” (Spin around in a circle)
So they all rolled over and one fell out… (Drop to the ground)
Who bumped his head and gave a shout! (Hold your head with both your hands)
“Please remember to tie a knot in your pyjamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two, three.” (Hold up 1, 2, 3 fingers)

Happy family run

There were three in the bed (Hold up 3 fingers)
And the little one said,
“Roll over! Roll over!” (Spin around in a circle)
So they all rolled over and one fell out… (Drop to the ground)
Who bumped his head and gave a shout! (Hold your head with both your hands)
“Please remember to tie a knot in your pyjamas,
Single beds are only made for one, two.” (Hold up 1, 2 fingers)
There were two in the bed (Hold up 2 fingers)
And the little one said,
“Roll over! Roll over!” (Spin around in a circle)
So they all rolled over and one fell out… (Drop to the ground)
Who bumped his head and gave a shout! (Hold your head with both your hands)
“Please remember to tie a knot in your pyjamas,
Single beds are only made for one.” (Hold up 1 finger)

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Date Created: January 4, 2013 Date Modified: March 25, 2013