Should Parents Be More Compassionate to Themselves?

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Research to date has demonstrated self-compassion to be an important resource in coping with life’s adversity. However, little is known about self-compassion in the parenting context. Researchers at the University of New England are conducting a study investigating the impact of self-compassion on mothers and fathers of young children. This study is attempting to gain a better understanding around how being kinder to the self impacts parental wellbeing, as well as their parenting. Self-compassion is a growing area of research, which may have the potential to assist parents to cope with the numerous demands of everyday life.

The survey is open to parents with a child aged 2-12 years. Parents will be asked to complete some online questionnaires, and a writing exercise. This will take approximately 40 minutes. Participants will be sent an email at 4 weeks follow-up to complete some short online questionnaires. Parents who complete both stages of the research are entitled to enter a prize draw.  For further information or to participate, please go to

Any parents with further queries are encouraged to contact:

Brooke Fox or

Wendy Phillips

This study has been approved by the University of New England’s Human Research Ethics Committee. Approval number – HE16-091. Valid to 3rd May 2017.

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Date Created: August 24, 2016 Date Modified: September 4, 2016