Pregnant and breastfeeding women needed for iodine nutrition study

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Are you currently pregnant or breastfeeding your child or do you know someone who is?

The University’s Menzies Research Institute Tasmania is conducting a study investigating the level of knowledge among Tasmanian women about iodine nutrition and supplement use during pregnancy and breastfeeding – the Tasmanian Women Iodine Nutrition Knowledge (TWINK) Study.

The Chief Investigator on the study, Dr Kristen Hynes, said Tasmania had a long history of iodine deficiency which had been partially corrected following the introduction of state and national programs of bread iodisation.

“Despite improvements in the iodine status of the general Tasmanian population, pregnant and breastfeeding women may still not be receiving adequate dietary iodine due to an increased need for iodine during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Iodine is an essential micronutrient required for optimal brain development of the foetus and infant,” Dr Hynes said.

“Our study will determine the current iodine status of pregnant and breastfeeding women in Tasmania and examine how much they know about the importance of iodine in their diet.”

Tasmanian women who are pregnant or are exclusively breastfeeding their child (aged six months or less) are eligible to participate. Participation involves completing a short questionnaire and providing a urine sample.

The study is approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (Tasmania) Network (Ref H0013336).

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To participate in this study, or for more information, please contact the TWINK Research Assistant Therese Koning on (03) 6226 4706 or email

(Source: University of Tasmania)

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Date Created: November 27, 2014