Students called to write on "What Matters?" to them

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Social media is great but sometimes character limits just aren’t enough to say what needs to be said, especially when it’s about something that really matters to you. So, if you have a concern, problem and or interest why not voice your opinion in writing an essay on What Matters? to you.
The Whitlam Institute within the University of Western Sydney is calling for students in years 5-12 across NSW and the ACT to harness the power of the written word to inspire change.
If you have an idea about what can be done to improve a local, national or even a global issue that really matters to you then why not bring it to the forefront, put it in writing and enter the 2015 What Matters? Competition.
The competition, which closes on 6 May, calls on students to submit a 400-600 word opinion piece on the issues in society which are important to them.
The judges comprise a group of highly qualified writers, educators and journalists who are waiting with great anticipation to receive your entry and get an understanding of what issues are important to today’s youth.
Director of the Whitlam Institute within the University of Western Sydney, Mr Eric Sidoti, says the What Matters? competition is a platform for young people’s ideas to be heard.
“The What Matters? competition has grown to offer us a very significant insight into the lives of young Australians,” says Dr Sidoti.
“Year after year we’re reminded that young people are not only keen observers of the world around them but are passionate and articulate advocates for a more fair and tolerant society.”
“They show themselves to be profoundly aware of the fragility of the natural world and show themselves ready to tackle the challenges ahead. It’s actually quite inspiring.”
The prizes for 2015 include:

  • The overall competition winner will receive an iPad.
  • Each category winner will be awarded $350, and $200 for each category runner-up.
  • The Years 5/6 and 7/8 category winners will each receive a full-day creative writing workshop donated by The Writing Workshop, conducted by award-winning author Bernard Cohen.
  • The Year 9/10 category winner will also be invited to spend a day at, meeting the team and receiving professional training.  They will also be offered the opportunity to be paid $200 to produce a feature article for the website.
  • The Year 11/12 category winner will receive a 1 Year Membership to the NSW Writers’ Centre, and the opportunity to participate in a one-day writing workshop donated by the NSW Writers’ Centre
  • Winners and runners-up will receive their prize at an awards ceremony, following their participation in a Young Writers Forum at the University of Western Sydney’s Parramatta campus.

All winning entries will be published in print and online.
Entries close Wednesday 6 May 2015.  Entry forms can be downloaded from the Whitlam Institute website.
For more information, contact the Whitlam Institute on (02) 96859210 or visit their website.
(Source: The University of Western Sydney)

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Date Created: March 9, 2015