PlayConnect playgroups for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and ASD like characteristics and their families have increased access to early childhood learning, social opportunities, and family support via PlayConnect Playgroups. Playgroup Australia has developed a new website and set of resources for PlayConnect Playgroups that will be launched on Thursday 21st June.

Playgroup Australia Acting Chief Executive Officer Eric Chalmers said PlayConnect PlayConnect Playgroups are for families with young children (0-5) who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or ASD-like traits. PlayConnect provides parents and families with a tailored environment suitable for their child. Parents and families who attend PlayConnect Playgroups have access to a trained Facilitator and a supportive environment in which to share experiences. Attendance at PlayConnect Playgroups fosters a sense of belonging for the parents and families who participate and through their attendance a sense of connection and belonging within their broader community.

Playgroup Australia has been funded by the Federal Government under the Helping Children with Autism (HCWA) package to deliver PlayConnect Playgroups for children with ASD and ASD-like characteristics across Australia since 2009.

Mr Chalmers said Australian PlayConnect Playgroups are located all across Australia, giving children the opportunity to develop new skills whilst providing parents a much-needed opportunity to build a peer support network and share the load.

“What we do is worthwhile, meaningful, and powerful for families” Mr Chalmers said.

“PlayConnect Playgroups provide families access to much needed services and offer a vital support network that provides families with a feeling of belonging, support and connection.”

Mr Chalmers said last year PlayConnect delivered over 40 PlayConnect Playgroups to more than 600 children with ASD or ASD like characteristics across Australia allowing every child to engage in play and vital social opportunities.

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(Source: Playgroup Australia)

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Date Created: June 23, 2018