The vowel song

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Letters on the wall
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Sung to the tune of “B..I..N..G..O…”

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

skd186534sdcvowelsongThe vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!
I know them all by name, oh!

The vowels of the alphabet
I know them all by name, oh!

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The vowels of the alphabet
I know their short sounds too, oh.
a-e-i-o-u (Sing short vowel sound now)
I know their short sounds too, oh.

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Date Created: January 4, 2013 Date Modified: March 25, 2013