Pregnancy planning for dads

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A man sits on a couch smiling, using a generic laptop.
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A healthy pregnancy takes two and men need to prepare their bodies and their sperm to ensure they are optimally healthy at the time of conception. Many lifestyle measures, including eating a healthy balanced diet, exercising and avoiding drugs and alcohol, can improve a man’s health and the health of his sperm. In many cases these measures not only increase the chances of conception they also ensure the pregnancy gets off to the healthiest start possible.

Getting pregnant takes two and male infertility reduces a couple’s chance of conception. There are many links between the effects of diet on male fertility. Find out more about how to boost fertility and your chance of conception by changing your diet. Eating to optimise male fertility and sperm health



Drugs, alcohol and medicines can all affect the health of men’s sperm and the likelihood of conception. If you are trying to get your partner pregnant you’ll need to know about how smoking effects fertility, the links between consuming alcohol and male fertility and what recreational drugs are doing to your sperm. Find out more about the substances you’ll need to avoid to boost your fertility and get your pregnancy off to the healthiest possible star. Detox to improve fertility


There are many other lifestyle factors which influence male fertility and having healthy sperm at the time of conception. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) negatively affect fertility. A man’s age influences his fertility, as does the amount of exercise he does. Laptop heat and other things which increase the temperature of the testicles can impair sperm production. If you’re trying to conceive make sure your familiar with the lifestyle factors which influence your fertility – read more. Other lifestyle measures to boost male fertility


couple eating healthyTrying to conceive? Be aware that male fertility and the health of your sperm affect the chances of your partner getting pregnant. Use these 14 tips to boost your fertility and ensure your pregnancy gets off to the healthiest start possible. 14 tips for boosting male fertility




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Date Created: August 14, 2012 Date Modified: July 3, 2018