Une poule sur un mur (a chicken on a wall)

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Chicken on a wall
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A traditional French children’s song with actions, and an English translation.


Une poule sur un mur, Pliez les coudes, bougez-les de l’extérieur vers l’intérieur
Qui picote du pain dur Courbez le dos, hochez la tête
Picoti, picota Hocher la tête de gauche à droite
Lève la queue Mettez vos mains sur les fesses et levez-les
Et puis s’en va. Montrez qu’elle est partie



A chicken on a wall Fold your elbows and move them outwards and inwards to mimic wings
Who is pecking some hard bread Bend over and nod your head
Peck peck Nod your head from left to right
Lifts her tail Put your hands on your bottom and lift them to mimic a tail
And then she goes. Point that the chicken has left


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Date Created: October 17, 2013 Date Modified: July 3, 2018