School holiday mystery hunt through Old Govt House Queensland

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If only the walls could talk! Well, this January the walls of Old Government House will be speaking up for a unique school holiday activity that combines history, mystery and fun.

The House, on Queensland University of Technology’s Gardens Point campus, was home to the state’s first 11 governors and so it has seen much of Queensland’s early history made within its walls.

For three weeks in January, Old Government House will host a novel and fun school holiday activity for children aged 9 to 12 in which they’ll pick up some local history while being active participants on an exciting tour with two mysterious voices from the past.

Old Government House curator Dr Katie McConnel, who worked with the Brisbane production company Imaginary Theatre to create the play, said The Voice in the Walls would take children “to another space and time with music, live performances, sounds and words”.

“It’s a load of fun and the kids who road-tested The Voice in the Walls were totally absorbed in the quest to help two ghostly children from the House’s past,” Dr McConnel said.

“The children each wear a wireless headphone set, and they love the electronic gadgetry, and they become immersed in a thrilling mystery in which they must play an important part to solve.

During the 60-minute quest the children traverse the halls of the House to solve the mystery, finding pieces of the puzzle and meeting characters from the past who perform live and help make the story come alive.

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“To my knowledge, this sort of activity for children with wireless device and headsets hasn’t been done before in an historic house museum.”

The Voice in the Walls by Imaginary Theatre will be playing from Monday to Friday from January 6 to 9, January 12 to 16 and January 19 to 23, with performances at 10.30am and 2pm. The activity is for 9 to 12 year olds only. Tickets are $25 and bookings can be made here.

(Source: Queensland University of Technology)

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Date Created: November 30, 2014