Baby hand and feet moulds

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baby hand foot mould
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For an adult to do with babies and older children.

Duration of activity

10-15 minutes


  • Play-dough (generally 150 grams for a small baby or 300 grams per hand or foot mould for a toddler)
  • Plaster of Paris (also sometimes called sculpture plaster)
  • Water
  • Measuring jug
  • Spoon for mixing
  • Large old bowl/plate for putting mould into
  • Spray paint (colour of your choice optional)
  • Box frame (optional)
  • All purpose glue (optional)
  • Coloured card (optional)
  • Photo of child (optional)
  • Sandpaper (optional)

Costbaby hand

The cost of this activity will be about $40 if you need to buy the Plaster of Paris (but you will have a lot leftover for future crafts), spray paint and you are using a box frame.

Buy the Plaster of Paris from a DIY warehouse rather than an art and crafts shop – it will be a fraction of the price.

You can buy cheap varieties of play-dough  or make your own – you are going to throw it out after making the craft.

What to do

  • Roll playdough into a ball and flatten slightly and place in an old bowl or plate.
  • Push child’s flat hand or foot into playdough to make a deep imprint. If you don’t do a deep enough imprint, the final mould will be very delicate – the deeper it is, the more durable it will be.
  • Make up the plaster of Paris to packet instructions in a measuring jug – generally 1 part plaster to 2 parts water.
  • Quickly mix the plaster and water to form a smooth paste and pour into playdough mould.
  • Clean your jug, spoon or any surfaces where plaster landed immediately. Once the plaster dries it is much harder to clean.
  • Leave the plaster mould to dry for 24-48 hours.
  • Gently remove the playdough from the plaster mould – being careful around delicate toe and finger areas especially if your mould was not deep.
  • Put the mould in a sunny spot where it can dry out for up to a week – this will ensure it never grows mould.
  • You can sand back some of the rougher plaster edges if you like (optional).
  • Spray paint the mould (optional).
  • At this point you could put the mould into a pretty box with tissue paper, with a little card stuck to the box stating child’s name and age at time of the mould and store as a keepsake or give as a gift, or you could frame the mould in a box frame
  • Print a photo to the size of the box frame or of a smaller size – depending on your taste.
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Date Created: August 21, 2013 Date Modified: August 22, 2013