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Father's age at childbearing associated with psychiatric, academic problems in kids

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
An Indiana University study in collaboration with medical researchers from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm has found that advancing paternal age at childbearing can lead to higher rates of psychiatric and academic problems in offspring...

Childcare LEAPS into healthier future

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You've filled the fridge with fruit and vegetables, put a timer on the TV and your mantra is: "Go outside and play." But how do you know your family's healthy lifestyle ethos is mirrored...

Beauty Not Disease Motivates Teens to Wear Sunscreen

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
After offering information about UV light and sun-protective behaviours, the two health-ed videos diverge: one describes the increased skin cancer risk of UV exposure and the other describes effects on appearance including wrinkles and...
Mother and child

NSW parents in world-first project

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
The University of Sydney today launched a new project which offers two years of free parenting support to parents and caregivers of children with a disability in New South Wales. Parents and caregivers are invited...

Invisible risk group among adolescents at risk of mental ill-health

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
Adolescents with high media use, reduced sleep and low physical activity comprise an 'invisible-risk' group that has high prevalence of psychiatric symptoms, according to a large international study led by researchers at Karolinska Institutet....

Reducing risks for asthmatic mums-to-be

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Pregnant women are exposing themselves and their unborn babies to unnecessary risk by stopping their asthma medication without consulting their doctor. Pregnant women suffering from asthma could better manage the condition if additional integrated care...

Facebook identity is for real

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
If you can't resist the urge to post about your latest visit to the gym or culinary masterpiece on Facebook, don't worry - you're not alone. Megan Pozzi from QUT's Faculty of Education, said most...

Fewer high birth weight babies with healthy lifestyle

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
The world's biggest study offering healthy eating and exercise advice to pregnant women who are overweight or obese has shown a significant reduction in the number of babies born over 4kg in weight. The LIMIT...

How many energy drinks are young people actually drinking?

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
A new Psychology research project is investigating the prevalence of energy drink consumption in young people. The study is seeking participants aged between 12–17 years to answer a short survey online. Postgraduate student in the UTAS...

Study finds midwifery care saves money and is safer

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
University of Sydney research has found that pregnant women who see the same midwife throughout pregnancy are more likely to experience fewer interventions during birth, and cost the public hospital system less than women...
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