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Tell us what you really think of your healthcare

(2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)
Everyone is a patient at some point in their lives and QUT is seeking 1000-plus Australians to participate in a survey about their experiences when talking with primary healthcare practitioners such as doctors and...

Overcoming the ‘yummy mummy’ pressure

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
Two James Cook University students want to understand how body image and personality can affect exercise during and after pregnancy. Regular exercise during pregnancy can achieve significant physical and mental health benefits for both mother...

Pushing kids into sport too early may backfire

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
Pushing kids into sport too early can backfire, with new research showing children who start at age four or five are more likely to drop out of that sport or stop doing sport altogether. Victoria-wide...

Nuts pack a nutritional (and brainy) punch

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
Children aged 8-13 years are being sought for a University of South Australia study to test whether nuts can improve their cognitive ability. Nutrient-rich tree nuts – including almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamias,...

Perth mums play instrumental part in world-first vaccine

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
New mothers in Perth are teaming up with researchers at the Telethon Kids Institute in a global bid to develop the first vaccine to prevent Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) disease. The Maternal RSV Study is being run...

Leading next generation IVF

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
The team, led by Dr David Greening from La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science and Professor Lois Salamonsen from Hudson Institute, in collaboration with experts from Monash IVF and Monash University, is working to...

Pre-term babies could benefit from study of Melbourne mums

(0 votes, average: 0.00 out of 5)
Melbourne researchers are to begin a major study that could result in a test to accurately predict if women will experience pre-term labour during their pregnancy. Such a laboratory or bed-side product would enable clinicians...

Unlocking the secrets of autism

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
The word ‘spectrum’ is used to describe autism because the condition expresses itself in many ways and intensities. A new approach could offer a medical treatment for its most isolating symptoms. From a beckoning index...

Historic discovery promises to prevent miscarriages and birth defects globally

(2 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)
UPDATE; Click here to read the latest statement from the Victor Chang Institute.  OVERVIEW One of the greatest discoveries in pregnancy research Vitamin B3 can cure molecular deficiencies which cause miscarriages and birth defects Discovery promises to significantly...

Finding positive permanent homes for foster kids

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
Queensland foster and kin carers are being asked to take part in a survey to identify positive ways to give kids a chance of a permanent home. Leith Harding, from QUT’s School of Psychology and...
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