2 weeks pregnant

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The second week of pregnancy also occurs before you conceive. It is usually around the second week (day 10-14 following the beginning of your last menstrual bleeding) that ovulation occurs. Conception, the process through which your egg and your partner’s sperm fuse to form the beginnings of your new baby, occurs up to 24 hours after ovulation. Assuming you ovulate on day 14, conception will usually occur on the first day of the third week since the start of your last menstrual bleeding. Some women have a shorter cycle and will ovulate before day 14, in which case fertilisation will occur in week 2. At the beginning of week 2 your womb and ovaries are still doing all the preparations which make fertilisation and implantation of the fertilised egg into the wall of your womb possible.

In week 2 of pregnancy your body is making the many necessary preparations for ovulation and conception. Stimulated by luteinising hormone the single egg from which your baby will grow is maturing in your ovaries and your womb is developing a nutrient rich lining that can sustain that egg following fertilisation. Find out about all the unseen changes which occur in the lead up to ovulation.

Changes to mum and baby this week

Want to know how to prepare your body for the healthiest possible pregnancy? What you should eat and what to avoid in pregnancy? Need some advice about how to get pregnant? Read all about it here.

How to get pregnant and preconception health information this week


We all know that women need to prepare for pregnancy, but did you know that dads need to do a bit of pregnancy preparation too? What a man eats, his consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, and other aspects of his lifestyle all affect the health of his sperm and fertility. Find out more about how to improve sperm health and boost male fertility.

Men’s health and how to improve male fertility this week

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So you’ve worked out by know that babies don’t come from the cabbage patch, but is it true that you can increase your chances of getting pregnant by lying with your legs in the air? Is there any way to ensure you get pregnant with a girl (or boy) or twins? Dr Joe can give you the low down on misconceptions about conception.

Misconceptions about conception this week

A quick summary of the changes to mum’s body, the baby to be, medical appointments and lifestyle information for both mum and dad.

Key points this week




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Date Created: June 26, 2012 Date Modified: July 3, 2018