Call for women’s experiences with eating disorders in pregnancy and beyond

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Nursing researchers at Western Sydney University are seeking women who have a current or past history with eating disorders, to take part in a study that will explore the issue of eating disorders during pregnancy and the perinatal period.

Dr Rakime Elmir from the University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery is keen to talk with women who self-identify with an eating disorder and are pregnant or have given birth.

“Our study will explore women’s thoughts and emotions of having an eating disorder (current or previous), their attitudes and beliefs towards infant feeding decisions and the introduction of solids to their child,” says Dr Elmir.

“Throughout the research I hope to identify mother’s experiences of perinatal services and ultimately, help improve referral pathways for women with an eating disorder during pregnancy and beyond.

“To have research that supports necessary improvements with these services during pregnancy, birth and the early childhood period is crucial to the wellbeing of women with an eating disorder.”

Women who identify with eating disorders during pregnancy and beyond are encouraged to contact Dr Elmir on 02 4620 3372 or email

This study has been approved by the Western Sydney University Human Research Ethics Committee with approval number H11514.

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(Source: Western Sydney University)

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Date Created: June 24, 2016 Date Modified: June 28, 2016