New Victorian Breastfeeding Guidelines

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New Victorian Breastfeeding Guidelines have been released to protect, promote and support breastfeeding mothers across the state.

The guidelines were developed by La Trobe University’s Judith Lumley Centre in partnership with the Royal Women’s Hospital and the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

It is the first major update of Victoria’s breastfeeding guidelines in 16 years and was written by La Trobe Associate Professor Lisa Amir and clinical midwife consultant in lactation and breastfeeding at the Women’s, Anita Moorhead.

‘The Guidelines will be an accessible, concise guide for health professionals who work with pregnant and breastfeeding women. They are for all health professionals to provide consistent advice,’ Associate Professor Lisa Amir said.

All sections of the revised Guidelines have been updated and include information on:

  • how breastfeeding works
  • best practice guidance
  • care of mothers establishing breastfeeding of premature babies
  • alternative methods of feeding when breastfeeding is not possible including formula options and donor milk
  • breastfeeding and alcohol

The guidelines were funded by the Victorian Government and advice taken from community and hospital-based maternal and child health professionals and mothers themselves.

This ensured valuable feedback to make the content appropriate for clinicians in all settings.

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The release of the Victorian Breastfeeding Guidelines came in World Breastfeeding Week.

(Source: La Trobe University)

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Date Created: August 19, 2014