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Game on: protecting your child’s health in an electronic world

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Researchers at Curtin University have developed a set of guidelines to help protect the physical and psychosocial health of children who use electronic games. Professor Leon Straker, from Curtin University’s School of Physiotherapy and Exercise...

Adults at Higher Risk of Suicide Attempt if Parent Abused Alcohol

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People who grew up with a parent who abused alcohol may be 85% more likely to attempt suicide than people whose parents did not abuse alcohol, according to research published by the American Psychological...

Snacking quality may decline as kids age

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Snacks are a significant positive contributor to dietary quality among school-age children. Not so among teenagers — possibly because younger children are more dependent on parents and caregivers and have better snacks while adolescents...

Quick test can help spot depressed teenagers

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A few minutes spent filling out a widely accepted mental health assessment in a health care provider’s waiting room could make a big difference for some teenagers suffering from depression, according to new study...

Brain changes are associated with casual marijuana links in young adults

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
The size and shape of two brain regions involved in emotion and motivation may differ in young adults who smoke marijuana at least once a week, according to a study published April 16 in...
Boys on slide

Male health linked to testosterone in womb

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Men’s susceptibility to serious health conditions may be influenced by low exposure to testosterone in the womb, new research suggests. A study has revealed how men’s testosterone levels may be determined before they are born. Life-long...

‘Horsing around’ reduces stress hormones in youth

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New research from Washington State University reveals how youth who work with horses experience a substantial reduction in stress – and the evidence lies in kids’ saliva. The results are published in the American Psychological...

High School students barely passing on financial literacy

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Many high school students are struggling with financial literacy, especially students living in rural and regional areas, new University of Melbourne research has found. Researcher Prof Ian Ramsay from the Melbourne Law School said the...

Impact of childhood bullying still evident after 40 years

(1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
The negative social, physical and mental health effects of childhood bullying are still evident nearly 40 years later, according to new research by King’s College London. The study is the first to look at...

Loud talking and horseplay in car results in more serious incidents for teen drivers

(1 votes, average: 1.00 out of 5)
Adolescent drivers are often distracted by technology while they are driving, but loud conversations and horseplay between passengers appear more likely to result in a dangerous incident, according to a new study from the...
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