Infant colic

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crying baby, infant colic
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Colic: what it is and signs and symptoms of colic

crying baby
  • Which babies are most likely to have symptoms of colic?
  • When do colic symptoms usually affect babies?
  • Which times of day are babies most likely to be affected by colic?


What are the causes of colic?

close up of crying baby
  • What is known about the causes of colic?
  • How does a baby’s personality and what they eat affect the chance of colic?
  • Does parenting style affect a baby’s chance of getting colic?


How to treat colic

Mother soothing her crying baby
  • What are the aims of treatments for colic?
  • What strategies can a parent use to soothe a baby with colic?
  • Can changing what a baby eats help relieve the symptoms of colic?
  • Do herbal remedies work to treat colic? Are they safe for babies?


Coping with colic

exhausted parents with newborn baby
  • What should parents of a baby with colic do to look after themselves?
  • What type of support is available to parents of babies with colic?
  • How can planning a daily routine help a parent cope with a colicky baby?
  • What should parents not do when their baby has colic?


How to settle a crying baby

Mother settling crying baby
  • What things should a parent check when their baby is crying and won’t settle?
  • What works to settle a baby with colic?
  • What things don’t help babies settle and what might harm them?


Resources and support services for infant colic

family support
  • How can I get support to cope with an unsettled baby over the telephone?
  • What parenting organisations or groups can I join to get support?


(Kindly reviewed by Annie McArdle RN, RM, CHN, Master Adv. Prac. (Healthcare Research); Clinical Midwife at Mater Mothers’ Private Brisbane with over 25 years’ experience in parent information and education.)

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Date Created: October 14, 2016 Date Modified: July 3, 2018